Engaging the Race Question
Alicia Dowd and Estela Bensimon
Despite the Best of Intentions: How Racial Inequality Thrives in Good Schools (Transgressing Boundaries: Studies in Black Politics and Black Communities)
Amanda Lewis and John Diamond
Voluntary K-12 Integration: A Manual for Parents, Educators, and Advocates
Joint publication by NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. and The Civil Rights Project/ Proyecto Derechos Civiles at UCLA.
Choices Worth Making: Creating, Sustaining and Expanding Diverse Magnet Schools
Jennifer Ayscue, Rachel Levy, Genevieve Siegel-Hawley, and Brian Woodward
Social Science Findings About School Integration
The Civil Rights Project | Fact Sheet
School Zoning and Diversity: A Primer
The Civil Rights Project
Dallas ISD: SES Diversity Through Specialty ("Transformation") Schools
Dr. Jennifer Jellison Holme, University of Texas at Austin
Closing the Diverstiy Gap: New Research Sheds Light On How to Inspire, Recruit, and Retain Teachers of Color
Teaching Tolerance