Tools and resources for educators, families, and communities to understand policies that impact immigrants in the US and learn ways to support this population.
Videos of Past CECR Events
Catch up on the CECR events you may have missed, here. For events specifically on immigration, please visit "Immigration in a New Administration: What Educators Need to Know" or "Educating and Supporting Children from Immigrant Families: What Educators Need to Know."
Welcoming Immigrant Students in School (English and Spanish)
Intercultural Development Research Association (IDRA)
Fact Sheet: Information on the Rights of All Children to Enroll in School
U.S. Department of Justice: Civil Rights Division; and U.S. Department of Education: Office for Civil Rights & Office of the General Counsel, May 2014
Information on the Rights of Unaccompanied Children to Enroll in School and Participate Meaningfully and Equally in Educational Programs
US Department of Justice and US Department of Education
Immigrant Students' Rights to Attend Public Schools [Alert] English & Spanish
Intercultural Development Research Association
Immigrant Students' Rights to Attend Public Schools [Slides]
Intercultural Development Research Association
Immigration After the Election
Penn State's Center for Immigrants' Rights Clinic
Educational Rights of Immigrant Children Now that DACA Is Rescinded
American Federation of Teachers
Education Interview of the Month: Greg Smith Interviews Patricia Gándara on Immigration
National Education Policy Center, September 2018